
There are some amazing tools available to create the life you desire.

The Access Consciousness tools are dynamic, pragmatic, revolutionary and extremely effective to create change in any area of your life. And the best thing is that you don’t have to have a problem to come to these classes. You might simply desire more.

Some of the areas of your life that can change dynamically for the greater are: your body, money, business, relationships and self reflection.
  • access manipulation 101

    access manipulation 101

    A very different take on manipulation from kindness, potency and joy to create the life you desire.
  • joy of movement

    joy of movement

    Get unstuck and free limitations with the Joy of Movement exercices guided by powerful music and facilitation.
  • relationships done different

    relationships done different

    A class that can contribute to making all of your relationships greater, especially with yourself.

  • business done different

    business done different

    Discover and explore what makes you different in business and different perspectives on what business is.

Specialty classes

open to all

These classes do not have any prerequisites and zoom in on a specific area of your life.

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advanced classes

Choosing more

There are several prerequisites to be able to participate in these advanced Access Consciousness classes.

Check Prerequisites
  • the foundation

    the foundation

    Practial tools to change the foundation of your life.

  • 3 day bodyclass

    3 day bodyclass

    Discover the dynamic Access Consciousness body processes during these 3 days of gifting and receiving.

  • choice for possibilities

    choice for possibilities

    What choice can you make today to create the future you desire?
  • advanced bodyclass

    advanced bodyclass

    Would you like to create with your body instead of suffer it?


Access Foundation

One Access Bars class with any facilitator at any time.

3 day Body Class

The Foundation within 12 months.

OR: the Foundation with any facilitator at any time AND
an Advanced Class with Gary or Dain, 3 or more days long within 12 months (live or online only),

OR: a Choice for Possibilities class with any facilitator within 12 months

Note: this prerequisite does not include telecalls.

Choice for Possibilities

The Foundation with any facilitator within 24 months from the start date of the CFP class.

OR: you must have completed the prerequisites above at any time and in addition, completed a class (3 or more days long) or a full telecall series with Gary Douglas or Dain Heer within 24 months from the start date of the CFP class.  

If you have purchased your prerequisite class from the Access Shop, the 24 months starts from the date of the live class and NOT the date of purchase. 

Advanced Body Class

Choice for Possibilities (or Choice of Possibilities) and two 3 day Body Classes with any Body Class facilitator.

You must have completed the prerequisites above at any time.

AND: in addition, you must have completed a class (3 or more days long) or a full telecall series with Gary Douglas or Dr. Dain Heer within 24 months from the start date of the Advanced Body Class,

AND: 1 of your 3-Day body classes or an Advanced Body Class must be within 24 months of the Advanced Body Class.