Inspired, Empowered Living

Get Inspired 

What if you could live an empowered life where you can be an inspiration to yourself and others? In the Inspired Empowered Living Podcast, Kalpana tackles day to day topics, offering fresh and different perspectives. She also includes the Access Consciousness tools and how to apply them in your daily life.

Is there anything you would like to talk to her about, or would you like to invite her as a guest on your own podcast? Do not hesitate to reach out. 

Manipulation is a word that denotes something unkind, mean even something abusive. In Access Consciousness, it is something completely different. It is a willingness to always create! Curious? Check out this podcast. And if you want more, join the upcoming class Kalpana is facilitating online.
What if you do not have to get overwhelmed with your to-do-list?! How do you choose what you are gonna do when you have so much to do?
Have you set your New Year’s Resolutions? What if you this year instead ASK for what you desire, and let the universe take care of the “How” and the actualization? Every creation starts with an ask. Sit down and write a list of all the things you would like to show up in your life,...

Guest Podcasts

More inspiring conversations

Kalpana often receives invitations to join Podcasts as a guest, and she gets to meet a lot of interesting and phenomenal people a long the way. Take a look at a few of them below.