BUSINESS & BODY one month immersion – daily sop tasters

Sep 01
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Sep 02
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Sep 03
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Sep 04
Your Timezone
Sep 05
Your Timezone
Sep 06
Your Timezone
Sep 07
Your Timezone
NOTE: Call time & dates will be updated here and in the class Telegram thread

30 x 10 min calls


English only


The price you see is based on Country Pricing!


Are you asking for change with your business and your body?

The Symphony of Possibilities energy allows you to change anything in your life that’s not working for you, where you’d like something different or where you’re simply asking for greater.

The SOP energy can truly bring change with everything in your life, it creates shifts on a moleculair level in a way that goes beyond reason or logic.

What can this daily presence with these topics create for you? What can the symphony of possibilities universe open up for your business and your body, basically for your life?

Are you ready to find out?


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