De Foundation, Nederland
Venue: Boekhorsterweg 18, 2374 BN Oud Ade
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€1.125,00 – €2.250,00
The Foundation class is a world changing course to de-program everything you have bought about how the world works and empower you to create the life you truly desire.
The Foundation is the core class in Access Consciousness that everything else is built upon. This course is about establishing how you begin the foundation of creating a different reality for you, where you begin to undo the limitations you have have been functioning from.
In this class you will learn about the 10 keys to Freedom, the 5 elements of intimacy, the Distractor implants that keep you in having the movie of your life that does not work for you, and much more.
Besides tons of processes and practical tools you will learn some hands-on body processes, that allow you to change things in your body and create dynamic change.
The Foundational tools of Access Consciousness have the capacity to transform absolutely every area of living. After this class you can use these tools on a daily basis.
For example when you are in a discussion with your partner or your kid, when you are stuck in traffic, would like to change your flight reservations, be less stressed for a job interview, have more gratitude for yourself and people around you, have even more of what you already have been creating..and much more!
Prerequisite : One day Access Bars
Duration: 3,5 days