Abuse Hold

60 min session in person


Abuse takes on many forms and has many faces. It can be sexual, but also financial, mental and other ways. From the scars that people can see to the ones that they cannot. This abuse can be something received from others but also handles the abuse we often inflict on ourselves.


How often have you judged yourself? Your body? Your life? That is abuse too!


The Access Consciousness Abuse Hold is a potent energetic hands on technique that when given, assists both the body and the being of releasing and changing everything that has been locked up due to abuse. This body process is not just about surviving abuse, it’s about going beyond abuse to create a life where whatever form of abuse you have experienced no longer has to dictate or limit your life any longer.


Are you ready to break free from what’s keeping you from living the life you deserve to live?


What does the Abuse Hold do? How does it work?


The Abuse Hold is a 2-part process. First, you need to listen to an audio recording of the founder of Access Consciousness Gary Douglas.

Get the audio HERE


This recording tackles the psychological points of view that you created as a result of being abused. You need to listen to this call thirty times.


It is possible to play it in silent overnight as well as listening to it with the sound on. If you choose to play it as a loop in silence, you require to hear the call out loud a few times.


This leads to part two, which is the Hold itself.
After having listened to the call 30 times the psychological points of view are given up, so that the body is ready to release wherever it has locked in the abuse. The hold itself is quite simply being held like a baby from a presence and an allowance that allows the body to release wherever it has locked in the abuse.